viernes, 26 de abril de 2013

Sharp orange: The color of Social Media Banking in Spain

Q1 2013 Ranking Social Media Banking

The banking scenery in our country remains as one of the most dynamic in terms of news and events are referred to: Set up and launch of the SAREB, Santander absorbed Banesto, CatalunyaBank bidding failed, this week the injection of 250 million euros by FROB to Banco Gallego and the subsequent sale to Sabadell for 1 € ....

Anyway, at this rate of events, we will run out of institutions  to diversify the risk that have brought to the table the recent rescue of Cyprus and the controversial use of deposit holders as a last rescue mechanism.

Focusing on what we are concerned and despite that profiles to be followed increasingly become less, the results of this quarter are as follows.

On this occasion and as a  result of the monitoring we have done since 2011, I could bring you a comparison of the positions at the end of 2011, 2012 and first quarter of 2013.


Statistics in this quarter, demonstrate that a strong commitment to social media leave their redito in terms of presence and recruitment fans. 
As shown in the chart, 2012 was the year of ING with a growth of 113% and more than 93,000 fans. Although the trend in 2013 does not maintain the 2012 rate of growth, otherwise normal, he continues leading the recruitment of fans with 13.200 new followers this quarter. Maybe one of the most active on Facebook with several competitions and initiatives aimed at grab the attention of his fans.

Also be stressed the growth of Banco Santander, who with his Formula 1 sponsorship, has placed, the bank, second in new fans recruitment this quarter.


On the other hand, Twitter is the preferred site for those institutions with a target client of more businesslike and managerial staff.

In this environment, Bankinter has made a radical turnaround of his tendency going from eighth position at the end of Q3 of 2012 to rank second in Q4, 2012 and maintained this position in the first quarter of 2013. This growth has resulted in 7.088 and 7.350new followers in Q4-2012 and Q1-2013 respectively.

If we analyze the timeline of Bankinter, we can see that is focused  on innovation in the banking sector, an area in which the bank has always emphasized from the beginning as one of the first banks who offered Internet services, through its support to the entrepreneurial  spirit, a target market with great potential for the bank, to the most recent initiatives highlighting COINC where you can make your dreams come true, through an strategy of individual saving and with a very good yield not inconsiderable at this time .

In summary and as announced in the header of this article, the color of banking in Social Media is of a sharp orange. Tonality that seems to characterize those entities most daring, innovative and with a strong commitment to these new media as a key element of its strategy of communication with their customer base and prospects.

A cordial greeting and as always if you want to be aware of our activities I encourage you to follow us, in our Linkedin Profile  Social Media Tailored  

Jesús Labrado Fernández

martes, 23 de abril de 2013

Naranja, el color de los Medios Sociales en el sector bancario español.

Q1 2013 Ranking Social Media Banking

El panorama bancario en nuestro país continua siendo uno de los más dinámicos en cuanto a noticias y acontecimientos se refiere:   Constitución y puesta en marcha de la SAREB, Santander absorbe a Banesto, subasta fallida de CatalunyaBank, esta semana la inyección de 250 millones de euros al Banco Gallego por el FROB y posterior venta a Sabadell por 1€….

En fin, que a este paso vamos a quedarnos sin entidades donde poder diversificar el riesgo que nos ha puesto sobre la mesa el reciente rescate de Chipre y el polémico recurso a los impositores como último mecanismo de salvamento.

Concentrándonos en lo que nos ocupa y a pesar de que los perfiles a seguir cada vez van siendo menos, los resultados de este trimestre son los siguientes.

En esta ocasión y gracias al seguimiento que venimos realizando desde 2011, os traigo una comparativa de las posiciones a finales de 2011, 2012 y primer trimestre de 2013


Las estadísticas de este trimestre, nos demuestran como una apuesta decidida por los medios sociales dejan su redito en términos de presencia y captación de fans. Como se observa en la gráfica, 2012 ha sido el año de ING con un crecimiento de un 113% y más de 93.000 fans. Aunque la tendencia en 2013 no mantiene los ritmos de crecimiento de 2012, como es por otro lado normal, continúa liderando la captación de fans con 13.200 nuevos seguidores. Quizas una de las entidades más activas en Facebook con numerosos concursos e iniciativas dirigidas a captar la atención de sus fans.

También destacar el crecimiento del Banco Santander, quien con su patrocinio de la Formula 1 le ha permitido situarse en segunda posición en la captación de fans este trimestre.


Por su parte Twitter es el site preferido por aquellas entidades con un target de cliente más empresarial y directivo.

En este entorno, Bankinter ha dado un vuelco radical a su tendencia pasando desde la posición octava a finales del Q3 de 2012 a la segunda posición en Q4 del 2012 y que mantiene en este primer trimestre de 2013. Un crecimiento que ha supuesto 7.088 y 7350 nuevos seguidores en Q4-2012 y Q1-2013 respectivamente.

Si analizamos el timeline de Bankinter, podemos ver que se centra en información sobre la innovación en el sector bancario, aspecto en el que el banco siempre ha destacado desde sus inicios por ser  uno de los primeros bancos en ofrecer servicios por internet, pasando por su apoyo al sector emprendedor, un target con mucho potencial para el banco, hasta las más recientes iniciativas entre las que destacaría COINC, donde puedes ir haciendo realidad tus sueños, mediante una estrategia de ahorro individual y con una muy buena rentabilidad nada desdeñable en esto momentos.

En resumen y como anunciaba en la cabecera de este artículo el color de la banca en los Medios Sociales es de un fuerte color naranja. Tonalidad que parece caracterizar a aquellas entidades más atrevidas, innovadoras y con una fuerte apuesta por estos nuevos medios como elemento fundamental de su estrategia de comunicación con su base de clientes y prospectos.

Un cordial saludo y como siempre si queréis estar al tanto de nuestras actividades os animo a seguirnos en nuestro perfil en Linkedin Social Media Tailored  

Jesús Labrado Fernández

miércoles, 3 de abril de 2013

Spain: A land of opportunities for overseas investors

If we go to early 2.000, during the years before the housing bubble burst in 2007, in Spain were being built in the vicinity of the 700,000 homes year, with a large speculative component, driven by low interest rates and ever-rising property prices, what homeownership turned into a very interesting investment option.

As of August 2007, there was a slowdown in demand has meant that much of the housing stock built and not sold, has become a major burden on the balance sheet of banks and savings banks, main financing actors of the projects.

Currently a new scenario is opened for visionary overseas profitable hunters
From a investor point of view, there are three benefits this situation bring in.

  • Large brand new finished housing stock with high quality construction level
  • Deep prices repositioning
  • Favorable financing conditions

First, according to the Ministry of Fomento in its report of January 2012 stated an excess of 676,038 new homes in our country available for sale, where Andalusia, Valencia and Catalonia represent over 50% of the total.

Second, as a result of the decline in demand there has been an unprecedented price repositioning in our country.

  • From the peak in the first quarter of 2008 prices level has fallen over 23%, in real terms, as reported by the Ministry of Fomento. (See chart).
  • By region, this price repositioning is greater where the excess of supply is higher, which has forced the various players to make economic efforts aimed to boost that demand. (See chart).

Finally very willingness of banks and saving banks to set up very favorable financing conditions, both interest rate levels, in some cases Euribor plus 0.50%, and the amount of funding that can vary over a cradle of 60% to even 100% of the total value of the home.

All these elements jointly with the pressing need to output the housing stock in the hands of financial institutions, has produced a great willingness from the government, financial institutions, developers, etc., to facilitate mechanisms to speed up the purchase process by private individuals and investment groups.

Apart of all this items, the recent announcement made by the government of Spain, who is considering to recognize the residence to those non EU citizens who buy a home worth more than € 160,000, make the decision to purchase a home in Spain an unprecedented investment opportunity, especially for Russian and Chinese people where the market is focusing mainly due to the high level of wealth and income .
We can summarize, that there are several reasons why foreign people could invest in our country

  • Main residence: There is a demand for professional needs in main cities Madrid y Barcelona, where there is currently a lack of Real Estate offer, both for rental and sale.
  • Second Home: The high quality construction of our stock, their situation in coastal areas, near golf courses or ski resort, makes this moment a great opportunity to purchase your second home in Europe.
  • Investment: Price levels, financing terms, rental facilities in coastal areas with high demand for European vacation, along with expectations of price recovery after the end of the crisis, put a new very attractive element to take in account.
  • Diversification of the investment portfolio from the groups with high income levels and strong economic capacity.

From Social Media Tailored, Real Estate Digital Marketing consulting firm, we encourage overseas investors to start looking for Real Estate opportunities in our country. We are currently advising financial institutions and real estate companies, how to capture this potential overseas investors demand in new emerging markets.

Regards, if you want to be aware of our activities I encourage you to follow us on our LinkedIn profile
 Social Media Tailored

Jesús Labrado Fernández