domingo, 24 de junio de 2012


Superado el escepticismo inicial sobre la eficacia de los Medios Sociales, como le ocurrió a internet, hoy constituyen un medio fundamental de relación con nuestros clientes presentes y futuros. Incluso consolidarlo como un canal de venta adicional. Dell en 2009 ya superó los tres millones de dólares de facturación mediante su outlet en twitter @DellOutlet 

Incluso si continuamos pensando que los medios sociales son una moda, aquí tenemos algunas razones de peso para cambiar de opinión e iniciar nuestra andadura.

La más importante es que nuestros clientes ya están ahí hablando de nuestra marca. Debemos estar presentes de una forma auténtica y honesta y capitalizar esa interlocución en el medio natural preferido por nuestros clientes. Según el estudio de UM Network “The socialisation of brands”, se pone de manifiesto una migración en las preferencias de los usuarios de internet desde las webs corporativas hacia los perfiles sociales. En España más del 50% de los usuarios de internet son fans de una comunidad de marca.

Otra razón no menos transcendente radica en los beneficios que se derivan del uso de los Medios Sociales en términos de generación de relaciones y nuevo negocio. Según el estudio de Michael A. Stelzner “2011 Social Media Marketing industry Report”, entre una comunidad de 3.300 profesionales de Marketing muestran los siguientes resultados:

Mejora sensiblemente la presencia de marca 88% 
Incrementa el tráfico a nuestra web          72%
Mejora sensiblemente el SEO                             62%
Permite generar nuevas relaciones de negocio 56%
Fuente de generación de lead cualificados.        51%
Reduce el gasto total en marketing                      49%
Ayuda a cerrar negocios                                      43%

Si unimos a esto el crecimiento exponencial del número de usuarios, no cabe duda de que debemos de estar presentes siendo la pregunta clave ¿que estrategia hemos desarrollar para asegurar una presencia eficaz y acorde con la consecución de nuestros objetivos de negocio?

Repasaremos en futuros posts como una organización  puede capitalizar el uso de los medios sociales dentro de las estrategias de sus diferentes áreas funcionales, en particular:

Marketing y Ventas
Atención al Cliente
Recursos Humanos
Comunicación interna

Un cordial saludo para todos

Jesús Labrado Fernández


Having overcome the initial skepticism about the effectiveness of Social Media, as happened to the Internet, today constitute a vital means of relationship with our clients present and future. Even consolidate as an additional sales channel. Dell in 2009 already exceeded three million dollars of revenue through its outlet on twitter @ DellOutlet

Even if we continue to think that social media is a fad, here are some reasons to change your mind and start your journey.

The most important is that our customers are already there talking about our brand. We must be present with an authentic and honest dialogue capitalizing that chance on the natural preferred environment by our customers. According to the study of UM Network "The socialisation of brands", it shows a migration in the preferences of Internet users from corporate websites to social profiles. In Spain over 50% of internet users are fans of a brand community.

Another reason no less transcendent lies in the benefits arising from the use of Social Media as a relationships building tool and new business demand genration. According to the study of Michael A. Stelzner "2011 Social Media Marketing Industry Report," among a community of 3,300 marketing professionals the following results show:

• Ssignificantly improvement of brand awareness   88%
• Traffic Increase to our website                                   72%
• Significantly improvement of  SEO                            62%
• Help to generate new business relationships       56%
• It is a clear source of qualified lead generation.    51%
• Reduce total spending on marketing                       49%
• Help to close deals                                                     43%

If we add to this, the exponential growth in the number of users, it is clear that we must be present there. The  key question is what strategy we have to develop to achieve effective and consistent results according with  our business objectives?

We will review in depth  how an organization can capitalize the use of social media into their marketing and communications strategies.

There are several areas where we can implement a strategy of social media within an organization type that we will go into more in future articles:

• Marketing and Sales
• Customer Care
• PR and CSR
• Human Resources
• Internal communication

Best regards

Jesús Labrado Fernández

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lunes, 4 de junio de 2012


Go GlobalGood, a newborn charity marketing initiative, with the main aim of promoting and addressing social solidarity between businesses and citizens acting as a meeting place where:

  • Enterprises through their financial contributions help fund NGOs and non-profit   micro projects, while reinforcing its social and corporate social responsibility activities.
  •  NGOs can meet its micro-projects. 
  • Individuals by voting disinterested "like" contribute to the distribution of these funds on a regular basis and proportionaly to the support received. 
The operating mechanism is very simple and easy to understand.

In the diagram below shows the value chain and the benefits for companies and for non-profit entities is this wonderful initiative.

As an example of the type of projects presented: The NUMEN Foundation, an organization who help children with cerebral palsy with motoric difficulties and postural control, need some adapters that allow them to use the toilet. The budget for the adaptation of bathrooms is 985 euros. I encourage you to like this initiative.

From Social Media Tailored wish every success to Mary Cafarenna and his team in this new proposal just starting. 

For further information, you can access their website at

Best Regards

Jesús Labrado Fernández


Go GlobalGood, una nueva iniciativa  de marketing solidario que acaba de ver la luz, con el objetivo de promover y canalizar la solidaridad social entre empresas y ciudadanos actuando como un  foro de encuentro donde:

  • Las empresas mediante aportaciones económicas contribuyen a financiar microproyectos de ONG y entidades sin animo de lucro, al mismo tiempo que refuerzan su balance social y sus actuaciones de responsabilidad social corporativa.
  • Las ONG pueden hacer frente a sus microproyectos.
  • Los particulares mediante su voto desinteresado haciendo "me gusta" contribuyen a la distribución de esos fondos de una forma periódica y proporcional al apoyo recibido.
El mecanismo de funcionamiento es muy sencillo y de fácil comprensión.

En el esquema adjunto se muestra la cadena de valor y los beneficios que tanto para las empresas como para las entidades sin ánimo de lucro supone esta magnífica iniciativa.

Como ejemplo del tipo de proyectos que se presentan: 

Desde Social Media Tailored deseamos el mayor de los éxitos a María Cafarenna y su equipo en esta novedosa propuesta que acaba de poner en marcha. Para una mayor información, podéis accede a su página web

Un saludo

Jesús Labrado Fernández

domingo, 3 de junio de 2012


The Spanish financial sector is taking place in recent times, the biggest bank consolidation has become known in our country, not yet finished with Banco de Valencia, Catalunya Caixa and NCG as the great challenges ahead of this year 2012.

All these movements are reflected in the communication strategies of the new entities with the disappearance of some very active: Banca Civica for the recent takeover by CaixaBank, or CAM by Banco Sabadell, others who had recently started like Unnim  acquired by BBVA and finally others who have not posted yet on this channel as Banco Pastor taked over  by Banco Popular.

This dynamism of  information has made that the total volume of fans and followers of the banks in the period January to March 2012, has grown by 20.9% in Facebook going from 286.225 to 345.933 fans and 16.1% from 62.622 Twitter followers in December 2011 to 73.184 in March 2012.


If in the last 2012 was Banesto who led the ranking, in 31 March 2012 ING has taken the lead, with 32.200 new brand followers (24% growth). His campaign "Take them to school" or the more recent "Who loves you more?" Have contributed significantly to the incontestable climbing in the ranking.

ING is the internet bank with a more determined commitment by integrating social media into his external corporate communication strategy and most likely in the not too distant in their internal communication.

The change in the design of Facebook is allowing entities with sports sponsorship to advertise in a more powerful way its commitment to various sporting


On Twitter, all entities are betting in a clear and forceful hereby as an additional channel of communication with its customer base.The ranking remains unchanged in its first three positions, with the clear leadership of Banesto followed closely by CAM and Sabadell, who as a result of their merger will combine profiles perhaps in the next quarter.

Highlighting the rise of Santander to 4 th place and moving ING Direct BBVA to 5th and 6th place respectively. Bankinter by his side double its base on a 127% increase going from ninth to seventh.

As for the uses that remain mostly unchanged as was largely discussed in the previous quarter ranking, customer information and support to the presence on other social networks are the main goals for Social Media presence. 

Social Media channel is consolidated as a new and additional communication way with customers for 

  • Engagement and promotion through sponsorships of events, Spanish Team, Rafael Nadal, La Liga, Copa Libertadores, Ferrari F1 sponsorship, Motobike GP
  • Customer Care requests management, query & complaints Can 24.
  • Promote the activities of the social works of the savings banks, highlighting the actions of Caja Madrid with La Casa Encendida and communities of artists and creators.
  • Focus on the youth segment of the market because of its greater affinity with the sectort: Banca Civica, Caja Rural de Navarra, LKXA.
  • Preferential atention on entrepeneurs  with specific pages and blog: Banesto, BBVA, Santander, La Caixa.

Best regards

Jesús Labrado Fernández
Social Media Marketing Consultant