viernes, 28 de diciembre de 2012

Departmental Solutions: HHRR & Internal Comm

In the current economic climate, organizations are focusing their decisions to reduce costs and protect the business, alternatives that in many cases have a great impact on motivation and commitment levels of our employees. This is why internal communication takes a very important role in maintaining the value proposition for the employee and social media are an ideal vehicle for deployment.

In general, users of social media are characterized by:
  • Higher number of connections per user from the standard Internet user.
  • Longer stay.
  • High levels of interactivity and proactivity.
  • High levels of virality.

This, coupled with the immediacy, capillarity and virality, have led corporations to consider social media as a key tool in their internal communications strategy.
According to several market research there is correlation between the efficiency of internal communication and the use of social media as a vehicle of transmission. On the other hand, are very efficient from the standpoint of cost in comparison with the traditional forms of communication.

Although, today, there is some reluctance to open up to this new form of communication, primarily motivated by:
  • The lack of dedicated resources, 
  • The impact on productivity and the possible appearance of conflict, criticism and negative comments  
A high percentage of organizations that claim that they will incorporate social media into their internal communication strategies.

Key element of success is the development of guidelines for use and presence which specify the validity of ethical standards and corporate behavior in this new field. These guidelines should cover, among others, the following aspects: accountability, transparency, publication name always, respect for intellectual property, confidentiality of information, respect for the audience, content of value and respect for the brand itself.

There are many examples of strategies in the use of social media:

  • Knowledge sharing creating competence centers.
  • Generating ideas for improving products and services.
  • Remote Collaboration between employees.
  • Recruitment, identifying and retaining talented leaders.
  • Communication news and real-time news.
  • Strengthen the culture, corporate values ​​and sense of pertenence
  • Reduce training times and improve training.

The tools to be considered are very similar to those used in a standard design and each target desirable and depending on the preferences of the users
  • Report: podcasts, blogs, microblogging, videos.
  • Collaborate: wikis, forums, social networks.
  • Connect: internal social networks, chat.
The following three phases-expand, build relationships and maintain presence-have much to do with our ability to excite and bring value to our employees through relevant content, provide feedback, enhance the figure of the ambassadors, etc..

Just keep in mind that social networks, as the name implies, are social and should therefore be the ones who regulate themselves.

We must not forget that what is not measured is not controlled. Let us define, a priori, the KPI process and subsequent dashboard that allows us to measure the ROI of our performance.

In summary, the use of social media as a vehicle for internal communication in business is unstoppable and highly efficient, our role is to provide that space for collaboration and conversation to our employees.

Finally, trust in our employees, let´s do it sooner in a controlled and determined manner.

Regards, if you want to be aware of our activities I encourage you to follow us on our LinkedIn profile   Social Media Tailored

Jesús Labrado Fernández

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