domingo, 1 de enero de 2012


As axiom said "You can´t control what you don´t measure". In social Media Maketing, that is maybe one of the most important step within our plan.

As we have listened several times to have a process running, you must keep it under control. For that you have to build your own "Social Media Dashboard", concrete, brief and serl explanatory reference periodical report of process management evolution.

There are to kinds of parameters to track in any social Media campaign:

Tangible data: That´s the kind of data that answers questions like how much?, how many...?,how often...?. They are quantitative values showing us volume and trends from our initiative. Some examples depending on the site we are using could be:
  • Presence-Number of Gross Views
  • EngagementNumber of New enters, fans, membersfollowers
  • Word of mouth – Referrals, endorsements, tweets, post…
  • Growth- Rtweets
  • Social Media Conversions.- Number of leads
  • Social Media ROI.- Number of sales 

Intangible data: They are all the parameters allowing us to evaluate or rank our position in relation with our main competitors or our market.
  • Reputation or  Authority
  • Popularity
  • Influence
We always need to track both absolute figures, temporal series and percentage of growth. Doing that we will get a right view of the success of our acts.

Lasting our Social Media Dashboard, has to transform data into business, identifying strengths, areas for improvement and action plans. Our final goal is that the area manager who run the business could make a proper valuation of the status of the project target accomplishment.

Best regards and good luck in 2012

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